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Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Seasonal Allergy Relief?

It seems like allergy season starts earlier and earlier each year here in Atlanta. While allergies are the price we pay for the beautiful tree canopy that Atlanta is known and loved for, they can be a major nuisance. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment can provide natural relief from seasonal allergies. It can be a safe and effective way to reduce allergy symptoms without the need for medication or other treatments. This week’s post will discuss how chiropractic treatment can provide natural relief from allergy symptoms.

The following article is an update of an original posted last year.

It seems like allergy season starts earlier and earlier each year in Atlanta. While allergies are the price we pay for the beautiful tree canopy that Atlanta is known and loved for, they can be a major nuisance. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment can provide natural relief from seasonal allergies. It can be a safe and effective way to reduce allergy symptoms without the need for medication or other treatments. This week’s post will discuss how chiropractic treatment can provide natural relief from allergy symptoms.

What are allergies?

The first thing that is important to understand is what exactly are allergies? Simply said, allergies are the body’s immune system reaction to a foreign substance. These substances can be anything from pollen to pet dander. The body perceives these substances as threats and releases a chemical called histamine which causes the symptoms we all know: sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, and congestion.

Treating allergies

Reducing histamine levels can reduce allergy symptoms. This is how many OTC allergy medications work. Chiropractic care is a natural way to reduce histamine levels in the body by restoring proper alignment and function of the spine, and addressing the underlying imbalances that can be contributing to increased histamine production.

Additional chiropractic benefits during allergy season

Since allergies are the body’s immune system reaction to a foreign substance, proactive treatment and management of allergies requires proper support of the immune system to allow it to function optimally. By correcting spinal misalignments, chiropractic treatment can assist the immune system to fight off infections and diseases more effectively. Additionally, chiropractic care can help reduce cortisol and stress levels which in turn helps support the immune system.

If you’re interested in exploring a natural, holistic way to help ease your allergy symptoms, click here to schedule an appointment with the team at Easewell Chiropractic at one of our two convenient locations in Atlanta.

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The Benefits of Elderberry: Your Natural Ally in Fall Allergy and Flu Season

November is upon us here, and with it comes the stunning hues of fall leaves, crisp air, and unfortunately, the peak of cold, flu, and allergy season. As chiropractors we’re not only passionate about keeping your spine in alignment, but we also believe in holistic approaches to boost your overall health. Today, let’s dive into one of nature’s best offerings to combat these seasonal health challenges: Elderberry.

November is upon us here, and with it comes the stunning hues of fall leaves, crisp air, and unfortunately, the peak of cold, flu, and allergy season. As chiropractors we’re not only passionate about keeping your spine in alignment, but we also believe in holistic approaches to boost your overall health. Today, let’s dive into one of nature’s best offerings to combat these seasonal health challenges: Elderberry.

What is Elderberry?

Elderberry, derived from the European elder tree, has been utilized for centuries in various cultures for its medicinal properties. The most commonly used type is the Sambucus nigra, which is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that can boost your immune system.

Why Elderberry in Fall?

  • Immunity Boost: Fall is the intersection of beautiful weather and the beginning of cold, allergy, and flu season. Elderberry is known for its immune-boosting properties, which can give your body the extra defense it needs.

  • Antioxidant Powerhouse: Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage cells and contribute to aging and diseases. The antioxidants in elderberries can help combat these free radicals, promoting overall wellness.

  • Allergy Relief: Studies have shown that elderberry can help temper inflammation and alleviate nasal congestion, making it a natural remedy for fall allergies.

  • Shortens Cold & Flu Duration: If you do fall ill, consuming elderberry has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms.

Incorporating Elderberry into Your Routine

You can reap the benefits of elderberry in various forms:

  • Elderberry Syrup: A popular choice, especially for children. It can be taken daily as a preventive measure or when symptoms first appear.

  • Elderberry Tea: Warm and soothing, this can be a comforting choice during chilly fall mornings or evenings.

  • Elderberry Supplements: These are available in capsules or gummies, making them a convenient choice for those on the go.

A Holistic Approach with Easewell Chiropractic

While elderberry is an excellent tool in your health arsenal, it's vital to remember the importance of maintaining spinal health, especially during times when our immune system needs to be at its peak. Regular chiropractic adjustments can support a healthy nervous system, which in turn, can bolster your immune system.

Don't Wait for the Sniffles!

Give your body the best chance to thrive this fall season. Start incorporating elderberry into your routine and consider scheduling your chiropractic adjustment with us here at Easewell. Let's work hand in hand for a healthier, happier you this season. Call us today, or click here to set up your appointment.

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Fall Allergies & Chiropractic Care

With Labor Day Weekend in the rearview mirror, fall brings with it a season of beauty and change. However, for many, this change also ushers in the less welcome companions of sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. Earlier this year, we explored the benefits of chiropractic care for spring allergies. Let’s delve into fall allergies and see how chiropractic might offer some relief.

With Labor Day Weekend in the rearview mirror, fall brings with it a season of beauty and change. However, for many, this change also ushers in the less welcome companions of sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. Earlier this year, we explored the benefits of chiropractic care for spring allergies. Let’s delve into fall allergies and see how chiropractic might offer some relief.

Understanding Fall Allergies: A Quick Overview

Allergies in the fall are often triggered by ragweed, mold spores, and other allergens released into the air. These allergens can lead to a series of discomforts: from sneezing and runny noses to itchy eyes and skin rashes.

The Immune System and Allergies

At its core, an allergy is your immune system's overzealous reaction to a perceived threat. This defense mechanism releases histamines, causing what we know as allergic reactions. Think of it as your body's false alarm going off when there's no real danger.

The Spine-Immune Connection

The nervous system, the grand command center of our body, plays a pivotal role in regulating our immune response. Misalignments, known as subluxations, can interrupt this communication, potentially weakening the immune system. Could a compromised spinal health be adding to your allergy woes?

How Chiropractic Adjustments Can Help

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring harmony to the nervous system by addressing spinal health. While chiropractic adjustments don't claim to directly treat allergies, there's evidence suggesting improved immune function after adjustments. This immune boost might aid in moderating allergic responses, making them less severe or frequent.

Holistic Approach to Combating Fall Allergies

Regular Chiropractic Adjustments: Keeping the spine in check ensures smooth communication within the nervous system.

Dietary Recommendations: Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and turmeric can combat inflammation, possibly reducing allergy symptoms.

Lifestyle Tips: Exercise, hydration, and sleep can bolster your body's defenses against allergens.

Stress Management: High stress can amplify allergic reactions. Techniques like meditation or deep breathing can help keep stress at bay.

Other Integrative Therapies to Consider

Besides chiropractic care, you could consider therapies like acupuncture or herbal remedies. These holistic treatments might further strengthen your body during allergy season. However, always discuss with a healthcare professional before beginning any new treatments.

While the vibrant fall colors can be a treat for the eyes, for many, the season is anything but soothing. If you're grappling with fall allergies, consider the holistic approach of chiropractic care. Remember, it’s all connected. Book an appointment with us at Easewell Chiropractic, and let's navigate this fall allergy season together.

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